ARCHE is a Christian homeschool co-op offering enrichment opportunities and support to homeschooling familes in Jefferson and South St. Louis counties since 1995.
ARCHE is a Missouri non-profit and 501(c)(3).
We are pleased to offer two semesters of weekly classes, field trips, parties, and so much more! Classes currently meet on Thursdays at Concord Church on Tesson Ferry Rd.
Utilizing a cooperative model to keep costs low, all members are expected to teach or volunteer in some other capacity. If you'd like to join us, please fill out an application using the JOIN button above. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
When and where are classes held?
Classes happen every Thursday at Concord Church during the fall and spring semester, from 9:00AM-12:00PM
Am I required to stay on campus during classes?
Yes! A parent or guardian is required to remain in the building at all times regardless of the age of the child. If you must be gone, you will need to fill out an Alternate Guardian Form and have it approved by the On-site Coordinator. If an emergency occurs, please ask for a paper copy at the front desk.
When participating in classes, is it necessary to register for all the timeslots availiable?
No. ARCHE classes are designed in a way that creates flexibility for our families. Families may participate in any or all periods available. Also, as class selections change by semester, the level of participation may change as well.
9:00am | 10:00am | 11:00am | |
202 |
Learning with Legos
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd
Critters In the Kitchen
Marvelous Me
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 7 y/o
203 |
Around the World
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 8 y/o
Arts and Crafts
3rd - 5th ; 8 y/o - 11 y/o
Escapades with Jan Brett
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 8 y/o
205 |
Beginner Gymnastics
206 |
Around the World
6th - 9th
Pottery with air clay (MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Pottery with air clay (3rd-5th)
3rd - 5th
207 |
Camp Crafts
6th - 8th
Show and Tell (K-2)
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 8 y/o
High School Credit Biology Lab part 2
9th - 12th
229 |
Escape the Room
7th - 12th
Literature for Littles
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 7 y/o
Chess *and Checkers* Club ~Grades 3-6
3rd - 6th
230 |
3rd - 5th
6th - 8th
231 |
Think! Critical Thinking and Group Activities
3rd - 5th
Scratch Programming - Art
3rd - 5th
232 |
0 y/o - 3 y/o
301 |
Parent Hangout
Parent Hangout
Parent Hangout
302B |
Yearbook Club
9th - 12th
307 |
Vocabulary Jeopardy
3rd - 5th
Middle School Trivia
6th - 8th
Apologetics: Can I Trust the Bible?
7th - 12th
Worship Ensemble
7th - 12th
P.E (7th - 12th)
7th - 12th