TNO Guest Dance Registration Form

Teen's Night Out (TNO)

7th -12th grade, & at least 12 years old

This is a group for our homeschooled teens. Members must be in 7th -12th grade and at least 12 years of age.
It is a great group to get to know other teens and have fun!
*Please join our ARCHE TNO Facebook page as well!


5 Rules of TNO:

1. Be a participant --
Stay with fellow teens during events, follow directions
during activities, and communicate with TNO
Leadership when needing to leave site.

2. Be a good friend –
Strive for the Golden Rule in Matthew 7:12.

3. Be a helper –
Work together as a team to clean up after events when necessary.

4. Be respectful –
Use appropriate, God honoring language towards others.

5. Be dressed appropriately –
Follow ARCHE’s dress code.

Dress Codes

TNO Dress Code:
*No clothing or accessories that communicate offensive messages.
*No underwear or midriff areas showing.
*When wearing leggings, shirts must cover bottoms.
*No visible cleavage.

Dance specific guidelines:

Ladies’ attire:
*No skintight dresses or skirts, including ones with a sheer over skirt. (Formfitting dresses are not
necessarily skintight. If you are unsure the difference, use the review process below.)
*Little to no cleavage
*No open midriff or sides
*If wearing an open back dress, it should not drop below mid back (bra-line).
*The length of dresses should reach no higher than 4” above the knee caps.
*If you are wearing leggings, your shirt must be long enough to cover your bottom.

Gentlemen’s attire:
*No tight pants or shirts
*No sleeveless shirts
*No Shorts

We understand clothing styles fit everyone differently. Therefore, if there are any questions, reach out to
ARCHE Board and/or TNO Leader to review attire in advance of the dance.

Dance attendees will visit a check in table prior to being allowed entry to the dance. Dress code violators
will not be allowed in until they meet dress code requirements. We are unable to give refunds, so being
prepared with “fixes” (leggings, tank tops, sweater, extra set of clothes, etc.) in the car is suggested.

Important TNO Dates

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